Fulgent AI for

Fulgent AI for


Fulgent AI for metatrader!
While some plugin developers may claim to use Artificial Intelligence to find Trade Ideas, the Fulgent AI Engine is the only trading AI based on true Artificial Intelligence techniques using Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms developed over 20+ years.
Fulgent AI for MetaTrader measures hundreds of indicators against the major currency pairs to produce incredibly accurate trading opportunities.

Select your metatrader!

Call Us: 800-880-0338 Email Us: sales@nirvsys.com Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.

Call Us: 800-880-0338
Email Us: sales@nirvsys.com
Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.