Installation and General Support
Support on MetaStock
For assistance installing Fulgent AI or using any of the templates or other assets it installs, please contact MetaStock Technical Support.
Customer / Technical Support:
+1(801) 506-0999
Online Chat Support:
Support chat can be accessed from within MetaStock version 9 or greater, via:
Email Support:
Support of Fulgent AI
Software and Strategy Updates:
For Software and Strategy Updates please visit our Updates page.
Customer / Technical Support:
Assistance on Fulgent AI is provided by Nirvana Systems.
Phone: (512) 345-2545 or toll free at +1 (800) 880-0338
Email Support:
Support can also be obtained by sending and email to our support:

Call Us: 800-880-0338 Email Us: Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.
Installation and General Support
Support on MetaStock
For assistance installing Fulgent AI or using any of the templates or other assets it installs, please contact MetaStock Technical Support.
Customer / Technical Support:
+1(801) 506-0999
Online Chat Support:
Support chat can be accessed from within MetaStock version 9 or greater, via:
Email Support:
Support of Fulgent AI
You can find additional information about Fulgent AI on our About page.
Customer / Technical Support:
Assistance on Fulgent AI is provided by Nirvana Systems.
Phone: (512) 345-2545 or toll free at +1 (800) 880-0338
Email Support:
Support can also be obtained by sending and email to our support:
Software and Strategy Updates:
For Software and Strategy Updates please visit our
Updates page.

Call Us: 800-880-0338
Email Us:
Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.