ful-gent | 'ful-jǝnt
:dazzlingly bright: RADIANT: gleaming
from Latin fulgēre to shine, flash
The team at Fulgent has been applying Artificial Intelligence to the market with great success over the past 20 years. Using specific market measurements, security chart measurement, multiple time frame analysis and cross market correlation, Fulgent AI continually finds the best possible "setups" with unmatched accuracy and profitability - guaranteed to give you an edge, or your money back.

Call Us: 800-880-0338 Email Us: sales@fulgent.ai Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.

Call Us: 800-880-0338
Email Us: sales@fulgent.ai
Fax Us: 512-345-4225
Following over 20 years of experience with A.I. the staff at Fulgent is now focused on ADAPTIVE Machine Learning, where computers learn to trade the markets in the same way human traders do.